Thursday, May 5, 2011

Stir Crazy and missing my sticks...

Can you believe it? I can't. Then we get to start a whole new countdown to boards.... YIKES. One step at a time right? 
The weather was such a wonderful surprise today, too!!!
Wishing I could be playing 18 right now with Michael, my parents and of course Kristine, Brooke, Helen, Tory & Roger... :). We never did follow the rules on the proper number of players per group- why start now? 
Oh nostalgia....

        (I think we should get a trophy for surviving this many tests in such a short time)


Monday, May 2, 2011

Little pick me ups....

Dragging today...
We are all desperate for sleep! At one point I wanted to be exactly like this kid. Carpet might burn, but tile, sure, just pull me around. People of Walmart always makes me laugh. Clearly, my motivation seemed to have disappeared after 3 today. I'm hoping it will show back up tomorrow after a little rest!!!

I must say a big thanks to Michael for putting up with me this past weekend (and upcoming week). Even sweet enough to get me flowers!! Tulips are one of my favorites! 
I also did a little online shopping for a few more of my favorite things. They are coming in little-by-little. Don't you just love getting packages? :) I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Amazon for their student 2-day free shipping. Makes my life so- much easier. 
My favorite candle was the first thing to show up at my door: 
The Kathina scent always perks me up. I also use their laundry detergent in this scent! It is worth the little bit more $ because it lasts quite a long time (both the scent and the amount) and can fill the room with it's fragrance.  

The other thing I ordered was Dinni's spicy shrimp sauce
Tomorrow night my goal is to recreate Bonefish's Bang Bang Shrimp. We will see how close the recipe is.... YUMMM already can't wait!